Oasys MassMotion and the Built Environment
How we interact with the built environment is constantly changing: from trends such as increasing density in cities, to greater reuse of buildings to combat climate change, to shocks such as the Covid-19 pandemic.
Oasys MassMotion aims to respond to these to put people at the heart of the design process: analyse crowd movement, rapidly test design changes, simulate operations to reduce risk and improve confidence in designs.
Last year, we added new features to better respond to the Covid-19 pandemic and social distancing scenarios, to help customers plan for reopening strategies and to test resilience.
This year, we will be adding features enhancing visual presentation, from new avatars, to flythrough cameras, to a flexible Billboard object to represent crowding and times. We are also making automation easier by the introduction of the script object, leveraging MassMotion’s powerful Software Development Kit.
Moving forward, we are working on a transformational upgrade to MassMotion, to take advantage of the latest human behaviour research, provide vastly increased cloud-native simulations, and more!
Keep up to date with our releases and sign up here.
Create | Simulate | Analyse | Revise
Oasys MassMotion outputs provide information on likely pedestrian flows, including pinch points and areas of congestion.
Analyses can also provide information on user experience in terms of journey and wait times for types of users.
Simulations have informed design changes to improve capacity and reduce pinch points, and provided insight into operational sensitivities that aid user experience.
Our award-winning advanced pedestrian simulation tool, MassMotion, covers a wide array of crowd simulation needs. See how people will move through your design. Proximity modelling allows users to build, test and compare scenarios, supporting the ultimate pedestrian experience.
- Test for comfort, efficiency and safety in a variety of different scenarios, including how proximity distancing affects the experience.
- Communicate to stakeholders such as architects, planners, designers and engineers, or investors and contractors about usage patterns or occupant safety with an accurate BIM compatible 3D model.
- Run the agents (virtual pedestrians) through an unlimited number of designs and determine which provides the most comfortable and efficient journey for your pedestrians.
- Use the timetable feature to add in timed sessions for different groups of people.
Key benefits:
- One of the most advanced pedestrian simulation and crowd analysis tools available, capable of simulating hundreds of thousands of people within a matter of hours, enabling rapid design exploration
- Combine 2D and 3D assets and import BIM files to use their geometry directly, or import your 2D CAD files to develop them into 3D models using Oasys MassMotion’s powerful polygon modelling tools
- Enables agents (virtual pedestrians) to respond dynamically to evolving operational conditions and user-defined triggers
- Oasys MassMotion Software Development Kit provides direct access to the MassMotion crowd engine for custom behaviours or connections to other software tools